Technological knowledge, online teaching and learning, TPACK, sustainable education, post COVID era.Abstract
Conducting home-based teaching (PdPR) especially during COVID-19 pandemic has been an unforgotten history in the educational system all over the world since 2019 until 2021. Although the world education system has returned to its normal norms by conducting face-to-face instructions, some of the online approaches are still being adopted due to their flexibility and effectiveness in conducting online instructions. This study was conducted to investigate the level of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) skill among Arabic school teachers in preparing online teaching and assessment in a training workshop organized by the Malaysian branch of Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, ICESCO-KUIS and Islamic Education Unit, Ministry of Education, Malaysia. This research team has been conducting the TPACK training module among purposively selected 113 Arabic school teachers from various states in Malaysia in 3 different full online workshops on 9 October, 16 October and 23 October 2021. The selection of participants was done by Bahagian Pendidikan KPM and Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri at the state level. At the end of the every programme, the participants were requested to answer a survey on the teachers’ knowledge about three essential components of TPACK, which include technology, content, and pedagogy as well their suggestions and feedbacks towards employing online assessment and effectiveness of conducted workshop. The findings are expected in contributing towards the understanding of the teacher’s level of technological knowledge and skills in designing and implementing online, blended and hybrid teaching activities especially during disaster risk reduction efforts in the world or any affected region in order to provide sustainable education for post COVID era.
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